Finding Your Passion

Over the past few years I’ve tried a lot of things – I’ve been trying to work on my design and drawing skills, but few things have really made me really excited. I often find myself frustrated looking at a drawing that just isn’t want I envisioned in my head. Or putting a design together on the computer that just isn’t what I wanted.

In 2015 I learned that lettering isn’t my thing. It was growing in popularity, but I just couldn’t really get into it. I tried, and yes, if I kept trying I probably could have been better, but I wasn’t passionate about it. If you aren’t passionate about something, why force yourself to do it!?

In 2016 I was a little bit more successful, because I followed a dream I’d had for a long time… learning about pattern-making. I finally dug into those Skillhare classes offered by Bonnie Christine and Elizabeth Olwen. I was late to the game, but I found something I loved. Once I became one of the many designers addicted to making patterns, I tried to figure out what to put in my patterns. My drawings were usually not what I wanted, but I kept at it. I know practice makes you better, so I signed up for lots of classes, I practiced my illustrations…  but something was missing.

I tend to put off things that I REALLY want to do because I’m afraid I’ll learn I’m not good at it. I started 2017 working on a 100 word project, but after working on 80 of my words, I realized I wasn’t into it. It wasn’t making me happy. I knew what I needed to do – focus one something I wanted to do, whether that was improving my drawing skills or pattern-making. SOMETHING. I wanted to work on my drawing skills, yes, but particularly of flowers. Yes, it is a trend right now, but I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember. I’ve always tried to draw flowers – I was drawn to them. Growing up my dad taught me all the wildflowers around our summer home in Colorado. We even made a book of all the photos we took while hunting wildflowers. Flowers are a huge part of my life. I am a flower child at heart for sure.

Well, in May I found Alli Koch‘s Drawing Modern Florals book and it spoke to me. I worked everyday on those flowers. I took that book with me everywhere. We were in the middle of packing our house and moving, but that didn’t stop me. I worked through the book, page by page. Then I signed up for Dylan Mierzwinski‘s class about Combining Illustrator and Photoshop and she got me! Making patterns – with floral drawings, adding texture. This is what I needed!

This summer I quit my job and moved across the country. I’m still looking for a full-time job to pay the bills, but this has given me plenty of time to do some serious soul-searching and work on my art. I’ve drawn so many flowers – I was surrounded by wildflowers while living at my dad’s this summer and then the #FloralsYourWay challenge caught fire. It has been a long time since I’ve been this passionate about something. Making patterns was awesome and I couldn’t stop creating, but now I have all these tools, plus the vision on what to create…. and I can’t stop!

After taken Dylan’s recent class Illustrating Flowers & Arranging Bouquets, I feel like I have so many ideas and the confidence to create them.  Now I’m tackling florals illustrations, floral patterns, floral bouquets, floral coloring sheets, and more!

I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store, because I finally feel like I’m on the right path. I’m passionate about what I’m doing – it is keeping me up at night because I have so many ideas! Not only am I excited about my art, but I have also been working hard at hiking more and getting outside. I feel like that has really helped my creativity. In 2018 I have goals to take my art career to new heights and to also hike to new heights!  I’m excited by all the possibilities and I think 2018 might just be the best year yet!

Thank you to all the wonderful artists who have shared their knowledge with other artists. Thank you for believing in community over competition. Thank you for helping me find something I feel confident and passionate about.

If you are still looking for something you are passionate about, remember this: Things take time. Give yourself time to learn a new skill, find a passion. You’ll find it one day and you’ll be so excited you won’t be able to stop. Keep searching. Keep creating. You’ve got this!



Happy 2018! Thanks for reading my blog – enjoy this free coloring sheet!


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